Past Questions and Answers

SS2 Third Term Fine Arts Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 Third Term Fine Arts Past Questions And Answers

Question 21: What is the term for a drawing or painting that represents a scene from everyday life?


A) Still life

B) Genre

C) Portraiture

D) Landscape

Answer: B) Genre


Question 22: Which art movement sought to depict the subconscious mind through dreamlike imagery?


A) Cubism

B) Abstract Expressionism

C) Surrealism

D) Pop Art

Answer: C) Surrealism


Question 23: What is the purpose of a mahlstick in painting?


A) Blending colors

B) Creating fine lines

C) Resting the hand

D) Adding texture

Answer: C) Resting the hand


Question 24: Who is renowned for his mobile sculptures, which move and change shape in response to air currents?


A) Alexander Calder

B) Jackson Pollock

C) Georgia O’Keeffe

D) Wassily Kandinsky

Answer: A) Alexander Calder


Question 25: In ceramics, what is the term for the process of heating clay to a high temperature to achieve hardness?


A) Glazing

B) Bisque firing

C) Wedging

D) Pinching

Answer: B) Bisque firing


Question 26: Which of the following is an example of a subtractive sculpture technique?


A) Carving

B) Modeling

C) Casting

D) Welding

Answer: A) Carving


Question 27: What is the purpose of a kneaded eraser in drawing?


A) Erasing fine details

B) Creating shading

C) Cleaning brushes

D) Blending colors

Answer: B) Creating shading


Question 28: Who is considered a pioneer of Op Art, known for optical illusions and geometric patterns?


A) Bridget Riley

B) Piet Mondrian

C) Claude Monet

D) Leonardo da Vinci

Answer: A) Bridget Riley


Question 29: What is the term for a two-dimensional artwork that simulates three-dimensional space?


A) Relief

B) Bas-relief

C) Trompe-l’oeil

D) Kinetic

Answer: C) Trompe-l’oeil


Question 30: Which color is considered a secondary color in the subtractive color model?


A) Red

B) Yellow

C) Blue

D) Green

Answer: D) Green

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