Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 Second Term Clothing and Textile Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 Second Term Clothing and Textile Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS2 Clothing and Textile Lesson Note and Scheme of Work – Second Term


Week 1-2: Advanced Sewing Techniques


Lesson Note: Introduce advanced sewing techniques like buttonholing, zipper installation, and intricate stitching patterns.

Activities: Practical sessions on advanced sewing techniques, creating more complex garments.

Week 3-4: Clothing Maintenance and Care


Lesson Note: Teach students about clothing maintenance, care symbols, and proper storage techniques. Emphasize the importance of garment longevity.

Activities: Group discussions on clothing care, hands-on demonstrations of proper storage.

Week 5-6: Fashion Design Principles


Lesson Note: Introduce students to the principles of fashion design, including color theory, proportion, and silhouette. Discuss the role of fashion in society.

Activities: Creating mood boards, designing simple fashion sketches.

Week 7-8: Textile Printing Techniques


Lesson Note: Explore various textile printing methods such as screen printing, block printing, and digital printing. Discuss design considerations.

Activities: Hands-on sessions on textile printing, creating printed fabric samples.

Week 9-10: Introduction to Textile Industry and Careers


Lesson Note: Discuss various career opportunities in the textile and fashion industry. Explore the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Activities: Guest lectures, industry visits (if possible), career research projects.

Week 11: Revision Week


Lesson Note: Review key concepts and skills learned in the second term.

Activities: Group discussions, practical revisiting of advanced techniques.

Week 12: Examination Week


Lesson Note: Prepare students for the end-of-term examination, covering all topics from the second term.

Activities: Mock exams, practice questions, and addressing any last-minute concerns.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Lesson Note: Summarize the second term, celebrate achievements, and encourage continued learning during the break.

Activities: Reflection on the term, showcasing completed projects, and distributing reports.

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