Past Questions and Answers

SS2 First Term Food and Nutrition Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 First Term Food and Nutrition Past Questions And Answers

Here they are;

Question: What nutrient is primarily responsible for providing energy in the diet?

A) Vitamin C

B) Protein

C) Carbohydrates

D) Calcium

Answer: C) Carbohydrates

Question: Which of the following vitamins is fat-soluble?


A) Vitamin C

B) Vitamin B12

C) Vitamin D

D) Vitamin K

Answer: C) Vitamin D

Question: What is the main function of proteins in the body?


A) Energy storage

B) Tissue repair and growth

C) Blood clotting

D) Nerve impulse transmission

Answer: B) Tissue repair and growth

Question: Which mineral is essential for the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells?


A) Iron

B) Zinc

C) Magnesium

D) Iodine

Answer: A) Iron

Question: What is the recommended daily intake of water for adults?


A) 1 liter

B) 2 liters

C) 3 liters

D) 4 liters

Answer: B) 2 liters

Question: Which of the following is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids?


A) Olive oil

B) Salmon

C) Avocado

D) Coconut oil

Answer: B) Salmon

Question: What is the primary function of vitamin A in the body?


A) Bone health

B) Vision

C) Blood clotting

D) Collagen formation

Answer: B) Vision

Question: Which carbohydrate is known as the body’s quick energy source?


A) Starch

B) Fiber

C) Glucose

D) Sucrose

Answer: C) Glucose

Question: What is the role of fiber in the diet?


A) Provides energy

B) Promotes digestion

C) Supports muscle growth

D) Aids in bowel regularity

Answer: D) Aids in bowel regularity

Question: Which vitamin is synthesized by the skin when exposed to sunlight?


A) Vitamin C

B) Vitamin D

C) Vitamin K

D) Vitamin E

Answer: B) Vitamin D

Question: What is the main function of vitamin E in the body?


A) Blood clotting

B) Antioxidant protection

C) Nerve impulse transmission

D) Collagen formation

Answer: B) Antioxidant protection

Question: Which food is a good source of calcium?


A) Chicken

B) Spinach

C) Bananas

D) Eggs

Answer: B) Spinach

Question: What is the primary function of vitamin K in the body?


A) Bone health

B) Blood clotting

C) Vision

D) Wound healing

Answer: B) Blood clotting

Question: Which nutrient is essential for the formation and maintenance of healthy skin, hair, and nails?


A) Protein

B) Vitamin A

C) Iron

D) Vitamin C

Answer: A) Protein

Question: What is the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables for a balanced diet?


A) 1 serving

B) 3 servings

C) 5 servings

D) 8 servings

Answer: C) 5 servings

Question: Which mineral is crucial for the proper functioning of thyroid hormones?


A) Iodine

B) Calcium

C) Iron

D) Zinc

Answer: A) Iodine

Question: What is the primary function of vitamin B12 in the body?


A) Nerve function

B) Red blood cell formation

C) Calcium absorption

D) Antioxidant protection

Answer: B) Red blood cell formation

Question: Which of the following is a complete protein source?


A) Rice

B) Lentils

C) Quinoa

D) Almonds

Answer: C) Quinoa

Question: What is the role of phosphorus in the body?


A) Bone health

B) Blood clotting

C) Muscle contraction

D) Oxygen transport

Answer: A) Bone health

Question: Which of the following cooking methods retains more nutrients in vegetables?


A) Boiling

B) Frying

C) Steaming

D) Microwaving

Answer: C) Steaming

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