Past Questions and Answers

SS1 Second Term Computer Science Past Questions and Answers

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SS1 Second Term Computer Science Past Questions and Answers

Question: What does the acronym HTTP stand for?


a) Hypertext Transfer Protocol

b) High-level Text Transmission Protocol

c) Hyperlink and Text Transfer Protocol

d) Hypertext and Textual Transmission Protocol

Answer: a) Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Question: Which of the following is not a primary color model used in digital images?


a) RGB


c) HSV

d) YUV

Answer: d) YUV

Question: In object-oriented programming, what is encapsulation?


a) Combining different data types

b) Hiding the internal implementation details of an object

c) Creating multiple instances of a class

d) Sorting data in a specific order

Answer: b) Hiding the internal implementation details of an object

Question: Which of the following is an example of a web browser?


a) Java

b) Python

c) Firefox

d) SQL

Answer: c) Firefox

Question: What is the purpose of the “else” statement in programming?


a) To initialize variables

b) To handle errors

c) To define functions

d) To specify an alternative action when the “if” condition is false

Answer: d) To specify an alternative action when the “if” condition is false

Question: Which sorting algorithm has an average time complexity of O(n log n)?


a) Bubble Sort

b) Insertion Sort

c) Merge Sort

d) Selection Sort

Answer: c) Merge Sort

Question: What is the purpose of a database index?


a) To encrypt data

b) To improve search and retrieval speed

c) To create backups

d) To define data types

Answer: b) To improve search and retrieval speed

Question: Which of the following is an example of a volatile storage device?


a) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

b) Solid State Drive (SSD)

c) USB Flash Drive

d) RAM

Answer: d) RAM

Question: What is the significance of the “404” HTTP status code?


a) Server error

b) Page not found

c) Successful request

d) Unauthorized access

Answer: b) Page not found

Question: In a network, what does IP address commonly refer to?


a) Router address

b) Localhost or loopback address

c) Broadcast address

d) Subnet mask

Answer: b) Localhost or loopback address

Question: Which programming language is often used for developing mobile applications for Android devices?


a) Swift

b) Kotlin

c) Java

d) C#

Answer: b) Kotlin

Question: What is the purpose of the “break” statement in a loop?


a) To exit the program

b) To skip the current iteration and move to the next

c) To create a new loop

d) To print output

Answer: b) To skip the current iteration and move to the next

Question: Which file extension is commonly associated with executable files in Windows?


a) .exe

b) .dll

c) .zip

d) .txt

Answer: a) .exe

Question: What is the function of a router in a computer network?


a) Connects devices within the same local area network (LAN)

b) Filters and forwards data between networks

c) Stores and manages files

d) Provides internet access

Answer: b) Filters and forwards data between networks

Question: Which programming language is commonly used for game development?


a) Python

b) Java

c) C++


Answer: c) C++

Question: What is the purpose of a “try-catch” block in programming?


a) To declare variables

b) To handle exceptions and errors

c) To define functions

d) To create loops

Answer: b) To handle exceptions and errors

Question: In the context of cybersecurity, what is phishing?


a) A type of fishing

b) Sending malicious software via email

c) Attempting to deceive individuals to obtain sensitive information

d) A hardware component

Answer: c) Attempting to deceive individuals to obtain sensitive information

Question: Which of the following is a key characteristic of an object in object-oriented programming?


a) Inheritance

b) Looping

c) Switching

d) Pointer

Answer: a) Inheritance

Question: What is the purpose of the “AND” and “OR” operators in programming?


a) To perform addition and subtraction

b) To compare values

c) To combine conditional statements

d) To print output

Answer: c) To combine conditional statements

Question: Which protocol is c

ommonly used for secure communication over a computer network?



b) FTP



Answer: c) HTTPS

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