Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Third Term Government Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Third Term Government Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS1 Third Term Government Lesson Note and Scheme of Work (Continued)

Week 1: Political Leadership and Governance

Lesson Note: Introduction to political leadership and its impact on governance.

Scheme of Work: Analyzing different leadership styles and their implications.

Activity: Role-play scenarios to understand effective leadership.

Week 2: Local Government Administration (Continuation)

Lesson Note: In-depth study of local government functions and challenges.

Scheme of Work: Examining recent developments and reforms in local governance.

Activity: Field trip to a local government office for practical exposure.

Week 3: Comparative Political Systems

Lesson Note: Advanced comparative study of political systems globally.

Scheme of Work: Analyzing case studies to understand the dynamics of diverse political systems.

Activity: Comparative analysis presentation by student groups.

Week 4: Political Violence and Conflict Resolution

Lesson Note: Further exploration of the causes and consequences of political violence.

Scheme of Work: Advanced study of conflict resolution strategies.

Activity: Simulation exercises for conflict resolution.

Week 5: Public Policy and Decision Making

Lesson Note: Advanced understanding of public policy formulation and analysis.

Scheme of Work: Critically examining the role of decision-making in governance.

Activity: Mock policy debate on a current socio-political issue.

Week 6: Rule of Law

Lesson Note: Continued study of the rule of law and its significance.

Scheme of Work: Analyzing recent legal developments and their impact on governance.

Activity: Moot court simulation on a hypothetical legal case.

Week 7: Citizenship Rights and Duties

Lesson Note: Reinforcing the concept of citizenship rights and duties.

Scheme of Work: Exploring recent legal cases related to citizenship.

Activity: Group discussions on civic responsibilities in a changing society.

Week 8: Global Governance

Lesson Note: Advanced exploration of international organizations and global governance.

Scheme of Work: Analyzing recent geopolitical events and their implications.

Activity: Model United Nations (MUN) conference on a contemporary global issue.

Week 9: Gender and Governance

Lesson Note: In-depth analysis of gender perspectives in politics and governance.

Scheme of Work: Examining recent advancements and challenges in gender equality.

Activity: Panel discussion with experts on gender issues in governance.

Week 10: Emerging Trends in Governance

Lesson Note: Staying updated on the latest trends in governance.

Scheme of Work: Investigating the impact of technology and other contemporary factors.

Activity: Research project on the influence of social media on modern governance.

Week 11: Revision Week

Lesson Note: Reviewing key concepts from the third term.

Scheme of Work: Conducting practice tests and addressing students’ questions.

Activity: Group study sessions and peer teaching.

Week 12: Examination Week

Lesson Note: Preparing students for the third term examination.

Scheme of Work: Final review of the term’s content.

Activity: Practice examinations and individual consultations.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Lesson Note: Summarizing the third term and its key learnings.

Scheme of Work: Reflecting on the overall importance of government studies.

Activity: Student presentations on lessons learned during the term.

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