Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Third Term Biology Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Third Term Biology Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

Scheme of Work: SS1 Biology – Third Term


Week 1-2: Microorganisms and Diseases


Lesson 1: Types of microorganisms

Lesson 2: Role of microorganisms in causing diseases

Activity: Microorganism observation under the microscope

Week 3-4: Biotechnology


Lesson 3: Introduction to biotechnology

Lesson 4: Applications of biotechnology in medicine and agriculture

Activity: Group project on a biotechnology topic

Week 5-6: Plant and Animal Tissues


Lesson 5: Plant tissues and their functions

Lesson 6: Animal tissues and their organization

Activity: Hands-on dissection of plant and animal tissues

Week 7-8: Environmental Conservation


Lesson 7: Importance of biodiversity

Lesson 8: Conservation practices and sustainable living

Activity: Community outreach project on environmental awareness

Week 9-10: Endocrine System and Hormones


Lesson 9: Endocrine glands and their functions

Lesson 10: Hormones and their role in the body

Activity: Creating hormone posters and presentations

Week 11: Revision Week


Review key concepts from the entire year

Practice quizzes and group discussions

Week 12: Examination Week


Comprehensive test covering all third-term topics

Practical exam on microorganism observation and tissue identification

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Final recap of the academic year’s highlights

Distribution of report cards

Graduation ceremony and school dismissal.

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