Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Second Term Creative Arts Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Second Term Creative Arts Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Second Term: Exploring Creativity Continues


Week 1: Visual Arts – Printmaking Techniques


Introduction to printmaking methods.

Hands-on printmaking activities.

Group project: Creating a collaborative print.

Week 2: Music – World Music Appreciation


Exploration of music from different cultures.

Comparative analysis of world music styles.

Group presentation on a selected world music genre.

Week 3: Drama – Improvisation Skills


Understanding the importance of improvisation.

Improv exercises and games.

Group improvisational performances.

Week 4: Visual Arts – Mixed Media Art


Combining various art materials in one piece.

Experimentation with mixed media techniques.

Individual mixed media art project.

Week 5: Music – Music in Film and Media


Analysis of music’s role in movies and media.

Composition for film scenes.

Group project: Creating a soundtrack for a short video clip.

Week 6: Drama – Theater History and Styles


Exploration of the history of theater.

Understanding different theatrical styles.

Group presentations on specific theatrical periods.

Week 7: Visual Arts – Photography Basics


Introduction to photography and its basics.

Hands-on photography exercises.

Class exhibition of student photography.

Week 8: Music – Songwriting Workshop


Basics of songwriting: lyrics and melody.

Writing and performing original songs.

Songwriting collaboration within the class.

Week 9: Drama – Stagecraft and Set Design


Importance of stagecraft in theater.

Set design principles and practical application.

Group project: Designing and creating a stage set.

Week 10: Visual Arts – Digital Art


Introduction to digital art tools and software.

Digital art creation exercises.

Individual digital art project.

Week 11: Revision Week


Review of second-term topics.

Interactive revision activities.

Q&A session and clarification of doubts.

Week 12: Examination Week


Comprehensive examination covering second-term content.

Emphasis on practical and theoretical knowledge.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Recap of the term’s highlights.

Distribution of certificates and recognition.

Farewell and encouragement for continued exploration of creative arts.

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