Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 First Term Literature in English Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 First Term Literature in English Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1-2: Introduction to Literature and Literary Terms

Lesson Note: Begin with an overview of literature, defining key terms such as plot, character, setting, theme, and symbolism. Discuss the importance of literature in understanding cultures. Activities include analyzing a short story or poem together.


Scheme of Work: Introduce students to basic literary elements. Assign readings and discussions on a selected short story or poem. Encourage students to identify and discuss literary devices used in the text.


Week 3-4: Prose – Elements and Analysis

Lesson Note: Focus on prose literature, exploring elements like narrative techniques, point of view, and character development. Engage students in a group analysis of a prose passage. Discuss the impact of narrative choices on storytelling.


Scheme of Work: Assign a short story for analysis. Conduct group discussions on the narrative structure and character portrayal. Encourage students to write a brief analysis essay on the assigned text.


Week 5-6: Poetry – Forms and Interpretation

Lesson Note: Delve into poetry, covering various forms such as sonnets, free verse, and haikus. Explore poetic devices like rhyme, rhythm, and imagery. Analyze a selected poem together, emphasizing interpretation and personal response.


Scheme of Work: Assign a variety of poems for individual interpretation. Conduct class discussions on the students’ interpretations. Introduce a poetry-writing assignment to encourage creativity.


Week 7-8: Drama – Understanding Plays

Lesson Note: Introduce the basics of drama, discussing elements like dialogue, stage directions, and characterization. Analyze a play collectively, focusing on its dramatic structure and themes. Incorporate a dramatic reading or performance activity.


Scheme of Work: Assign a play for reading and analysis. Organize a group performance or reading of selected scenes. Discuss the challenges and unique aspects of interpreting literature through drama.


Week 9-10: Novel Study – Themes and Symbols

Lesson Note: Engage in a novel study, emphasizing themes and symbols within the narrative. Discuss the historical and cultural context of the novel. Encourage critical thinking through discussions and reflections on the novel’s themes.


Scheme of Work: Assign a novel for individual reading. Facilitate class discussions on recurring themes and symbolic elements. Incorporate creative projects or presentations to deepen understanding.


Week 11: Revision Week

Lesson Note: Review key concepts, literary terms, and texts covered throughout the term. Conduct practice assessments, quizzes, or group discussions to reinforce understanding. Provide additional support to students who need it.


Scheme of Work: Create a comprehensive revision guide. Organize group study sessions or peer-review activities. Encourage students to ask questions and seek clarification on any challenging topics.


Week 12: Examination Week

Lesson Note: Administer end-of-term examinations, covering a range of topics and skills. Ensure that exam questions align with the learning objectives and content covered throughout the term.


Scheme of Work: Design varied exam formats, including essays, short answers, and analysis questions. Emphasize critical thinking and application of literary concepts. Provide clear instructions and allocate appropriate time for each section.


Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Lesson Note: Reflect on the term’s achievements and challenges. Provide feedback on assessments and celebrate student progress. Discuss upcoming literary topics or books for the next term.


Scheme of Work: Organize a brief class reflection session. Distribute report cards and acknowledge outstanding student contributions. Encourage students to continue reading and exploring literature during the break.

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