Past Questions and Answers

SS1 First Term Creative Arts Past Questions And Answers

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SS1 First Term Creative Arts Past Questions And Answers

Here are 20 Creative Arts questions designed to help you prepare for your SS1 examination. Each question comes with multiple-choice options, and the correct answers are provided to guide you in your study. Best of luck!




Question: Who is considered the father of modern sculpture?


A) Leonardo da Vinci

B) Michelangelo

C) Auguste Rodin

D) Vincent van Gogh

Answer: C) Auguste Rodin

Question: In which artistic movement did Pablo Picasso play a prominent role?


A) Impressionism

B) Cubism

C) Surrealism

D) Abstract Expressionism

Answer: B) Cubism

Question: Which of the following is not a primary color in the traditional color wheel?


A) Red

B) Yellow

C) Blue

D) Green

Answer: D) Green

Question: Who painted the famous artwork “Starry Night”?


A) Claude Monet

B) Vincent van Gogh

C) Salvador Dali

D) Frida Kahlo

Answer: B) Vincent van Gogh

Question: What art form involves shaping figures by hand using a pliable material like clay?


A) Sculpture

B) Painting

C) Printmaking

D) Photography

Answer: A) Sculpture

Question: Which architectural style is characterized by pointed arches and ribbed vaults?


A) Baroque

B) Gothic

C) Renaissance

D) Neoclassical

Answer: B) Gothic

Question: Who wrote the play “Romeo and Juliet”?


A) William Shakespeare

B) Jane Austen

C) Charles Dickens

D) Mark Twain

Answer: A) William Shakespeare

Question: Which dance style originated in the United States and became popular in the 1920s?


A) Tango

B) Salsa

C) Swing

D) Ballet

Answer: C) Swing

Question: What is the main material used in creating stained glass artworks?


A) Canvas

B) Glass

C) Wood

D) Metal

Answer: B) Glass

Question: Who is known for his famous “Mona Lisa” painting?


A) Leonardo da Vinci

B) Rembrandt

C) Pablo Picasso

D) Jackson Pollock

Answer: A) Leonardo da Vinci

Question: What is the term for a long poem narrating heroic deeds?

A) Sonnet

B) Haiku

C) Epic

D) Limerick

Answer: C) Epic

Question: Which art movement focused on irrational and spontaneous creations, often influenced by dreams?

A) Dadaism

B) Surrealism

C) Abstract Expressionism

D) Pop Art

Answer: B) Surrealism

Question: Who is known for his mobile sculptures that move with air currents?

A) Alexander Calder

B) Henry Moore

C) Damien Hirst

D) Jeff Koons

Answer: A) Alexander Calder

Question: What is the term for a play on words that sound similar but have different meanings?

A) Irony

B) Symbolism

C) Parody

D) Pun

Answer: D) Pun

Question: Which famous composer is known for his “Symphony No. 9”?

A) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

B) Ludwig van Beethoven

C) Johann Sebastian Bach

D) Franz Schubert

Answer: B) Ludwig van Beethoven

Question: What is the name of the Japanese traditional theater form with elaborate costumes and masks?

A) Kabuki

B) Noh

C) Bunraku

D) Hula

Answer: A) Kabuki

Question: Who painted “The Persistence of Memory,” featuring melting clocks?

A) Pablo Picasso

B) Salvador Dali

C) Rene Magritte

D) Frida Kahlo

Answer: B) Salvador Dali

Question: In literature, what is a metaphor?

A) A figure of speech comparing two unlike things

B) A short poem expressing personal feelings

C) A type of play with a tragic ending

D) A story passed down through generations

Answer: A) A figure of speech comparing two unlike things

Question: Who is credited with the design of the iconic Eiffel Tower?

A) Gustave Eiffel

B) Leonardo da Vinci

C) Antoni Gaudi

D) Frank Lloyd Wright

Answer: A) Gustave Eiffel

Question: What is the primary theme of a still li

fe painting?

A) Landscape

B) Portraits

C) Everyday objects

D) Historical events

Answer: C) Everyday objects

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