School Guide

List Of Art Courses In Polytechnic Of Ibadan

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The Polytechnic of Ibadan is renowned as one of Nigeria’s premier polytechnics, highly regarded for its commitment to providing excellent technical education.

While the institution offers a diverse range of courses, it is worth highlighting the art courses that cater to students with a passion for creative arts.

If you aspire to forge a career in the arts, the Polytechnic of Ibadan is an exceptional choice.

Let’s delve into the list of art courses offered by this esteemed institution and discover how they can unlock your creative potential.

  1. Accountancy: While accountancy may seem like an unconventional inclusion in a list of art courses, it plays a vital role in the creative industries. Artists, designers, and entrepreneurs require financial management skills to navigate the business side of their creative endeavors successfully. Studying accountancy equips you with the necessary knowledge to manage finances, budget effectively, and make informed financial decisions.
  2. Arts and Design: The Arts and Design program at the Polytechnic of Ibadan embraces and nurtures creativity in various forms. This course allows students to explore diverse artistic disciplines such as painting, sculpture, ceramics, graphic design, and multimedia. Through practical and theoretical coursework, you’ll learn techniques, develop your artistic style, and cultivate a deep understanding of art history and theory.
  3. Banking and Finance: Similar to accountancy, a course in banking and finance may not appear directly related to the arts. However, this field is crucial for individuals seeking financial stability in creative professions. Understanding banking, investment, and financial markets equips artists and designers with the knowledge to manage their finances, seek funding opportunities, and make informed decisions about their artistic ventures.
  4. Business Administration & Management: Artists and designers who wish to establish their own creative enterprises will find the Business Administration & Management course invaluable. This program equips students with essential skills in entrepreneurship, strategic planning, marketing, and organizational management. By combining artistic flair with business acumen, you’ll be well-prepared to launch and sustain your creative business effectively.
  5. Fashion Design and Clothing Technology: The Fashion Design and Clothing Technology course caters to individuals with a passion for the world of fashion. You’ll learn various aspects of fashion design, including garment construction, pattern making, textile selection, and fashion illustration. This program fosters creativity while equipping you with the technical skills needed to thrive in the dynamic fashion industry.
  6. Local Government Studies: Local Government Studies offers a unique perspective for aspiring artists and designers interested in community development and social impact. This course focuses on understanding local governance structures, policies, and community engagement. By integrating your artistic skills and creativity with a deep understanding of local governance, you can contribute meaningfully to community development initiatives through your art.
  7. Marketing: Marketing plays a crucial role in promoting artistic works and reaching a wider audience. The Marketing course at the Polytechnic of Ibadan equips students with essential marketing principles and strategies, enabling them to effectively promote their artistic endeavors. You’ll learn about branding, market research, advertising, and digital marketing, giving your artistic career a competitive edge.
  8. Mass Communication: Mass Communication is a field that intersects with various art forms. This course offers comprehensive training in journalism, broadcasting, public relations, advertising, and media production. By developing strong communication and storytelling skills, you can effectively engage audiences, share your artistic vision, and contribute to the ever-evolving media landscape.
  9. Music Technology: For those with a passion for music, the Music Technology course provides a platform to explore the technical aspects of music production and audio engineering. This program covers recording techniques, sound mixing, digital audio workstations, and music technology applications. By mastering these skills, you can create high-quality music productions and pursue a career as a music producer or sound engineer.
  10. Office Technology and Management: The Office Technology and Management course focuses on developing administrative and managerial skills that are essential for artists and designers working in diverse creative environments. This program equips you with office management skills, secretarial practices, record keeping, and communication skills. These proficiencies will enhance your organizational abilities and ensure smooth operations within creative settings.
  11. Public Administration: Public Administration provides a foundation for individuals interested in contributing to the public sector through the arts. This course covers topics such as governance, public policy, public finance, and ethics. By combining artistic skills with a deep understanding of public administration, you can contribute to public cultural initiatives, art organizations, or pursue a career in arts advocacy.


The Polytechnic of Ibadan offers an extensive range of art courses that cater to individuals with a passion for creative expression.

Whether you aspire to become a visual artist, fashion designer, musician, or entrepreneur in the creative industries, these programs provide a solid foundation for your artistic journey.

By blending artistic creativity with technical and business skills, you can unlock your creative potential and embark on a successful career in the arts. Choose the Polytechnic of Ibadan and let your artistic dreams soar.

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