
SS3 Third Term Marketing Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Third Term Marketing Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS3 Third Term Marketing Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1-3: International Marketing


Lesson Note: Introduce the concept of international marketing and its challenges and opportunities.

Scheme of Work: Cover topics such as global marketing strategies, cultural considerations, and market entry modes.

Activities: Organize a debate or group discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of global marketing.

Week 4-6: Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility


Lesson Note: Explore the ethical considerations in marketing practices and the importance of corporate social responsibility.

Scheme of Work: Discuss ethical dilemmas, consumer rights, and the impact of socially responsible marketing.

Activities: Analyze and debate real-world cases of ethical and socially responsible marketing or the lack thereof.

Week 7-9: Branding Strategies and Brand Equity


Lesson Note: Deepen the understanding of branding by exploring advanced strategies and the concept of brand equity.

Scheme of Work: Discuss brand positioning, brand extensions, and building and measuring brand equity.

Activities: Conduct a group project where students develop a branding strategy for a hypothetical product.

Week 10: Marketing Communication and Advertising


Lesson Note: Focus on the role of marketing communication and advertising in creating brand awareness and influencing consumer behavior.

Scheme of Work: Cover communication models, advertising strategies, and the impact of digital media on advertising.

Activities: Create and present advertising campaigns for a product or service, considering target audience and media channels.

Week 11: Revision Week


Lesson Note: Review key concepts covered in the third term.

Scheme of Work: Provide comprehensive revision materials and practice questions.

Activities: Organize group discussions, review sessions, and a mock exam to assess understanding.

Week 12: Examination Week


Lesson Note: Administer the end-of-term examination.

Scheme of Work: Allocate time for a written examination based on the topics covered.

Activities: Monitor and invigilate the examination process.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Lesson Note: Recap the entire marketing curriculum and discuss its real-world applications.

Scheme of Work: Provide guidance on further studies or careers in marketing.

Activities: Organize a farewell event, celebrate achievements, and distribute certificates or recognition for outstanding performance.

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