SS2 Third Term Economics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
SS2 Third Term Economics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
Week 1: Economic Indicators
Lesson Note: Dive into various economic indicators such as CPI, PPI, and leading indicators.
Scheme of Work: Analyze the current economic situation using real-time data. Assign projects where students predict economic trends based on indicators.
Week 2: Globalization
Lesson Note: Explore the impact of globalization on economies.
Scheme of Work: Conduct a research project on a multinational corporation. Discuss how globalization affects different sectors and regions.
Week 3: Economic Policy Analysis
Lesson Note: Analyze current economic policies and their implications.
Scheme of Work: Organize a policy analysis competition where students evaluate and present their analysis of recent economic policies. Encourage critical thinking.
Week 4: Environmental Economics
Lesson Note: Discuss the economic impact of environmental issues.
Scheme of Work: Group activity on proposing economic solutions to environmental challenges. Present findings in a mini-conference format.
Week 5: Technology and Innovation
Lesson Note: Explore the role of technology in shaping economic trends.
Scheme of Work: Assign a project on a technological innovation and its economic impact. Discuss how technology influences market dynamics.
Week 6: Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Lesson Note: Examine the role of entrepreneurship in economic development.
Scheme of Work: Guest speakers from local businesses share their entrepreneurial journey. Students develop business plans for a startup.
Week 7: Consumer Behavior
Lesson Note: Study factors influencing consumer choices.
Scheme of Work: Conduct a survey on consumer preferences. Analyze the results and discuss how businesses use this information.
Week 8: Economic Inequality
Lesson Note: Discuss the causes and consequences of economic inequality.
Scheme of Work: Group activity on proposing policies to address economic inequality. Debate the effectiveness of various solutions.
Week 9: Global Economic Issues
Lesson Note: Explore current global economic challenges.
Scheme of Work: Assign countries for in-depth research on their economic issues. Students present their findings and propose global solutions.
Week 10: Review and Test Preparation
Lesson Note: Review key concepts covered in the term.
Scheme of Work: Conduct a comprehensive review session. Assign practice tests and provide guidance on effective study strategies.
Week 11: Revision Week
Week 12: Examination Week
Week 13: School Dismissal Week
Lesson Note: Reflect on the term’s learning and accomplishments.
Scheme of Work: Organize a brief closing ceremony, acknowledging student achievements. Distribute feedback and encourage students to stay informed about economic issues beyond the classroom.