JSS2 Third Term Basic Technology Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
JSS2 Third Term Basic Technology Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
JSS2 Basic Technology Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
First Term Recap:
Brief review of key concepts from the first term.
Second Term Recap:
Quick overview of essential concepts covered in the second term.
Week 1 (Third Term): Renewable Energy Sources
Lesson: Exploration of renewable energy sources
Activity: Design and present a model of a renewable energy system.
Week 2: Nanotechnology
Lesson: Introduction to nanotechnology
Activity: Hands-on experimentation with basic nanotechnology concepts.
Week 3: Telecommunication Technology
Lesson: Advanced concepts in telecommunication
Activity: Research and presentation on the latest telecommunication technologies.
Week 4: Green Technology
Lesson: Understanding technology for environmental sustainability
Activity: Group project on implementing green technology solutions.
Week 5: Biotechnology
Lesson: Basics of biotechnology and its applications
Activity: Conduct simple experiments to understand biotechnological processes.
Week 6: Space Technology
Lesson: Overview of space technology and exploration
Activity: Research and presentation on space missions and technology.
Week 7: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Lesson: Introduction to artificial intelligence
Activity: Explore basic AI concepts through simple programming exercises.
Week 8: Emerging Technologies
Lesson: Discussion on the latest trends in technology
Activity: Group projects on exploring and presenting emerging technologies.
Week 9: Ethical Considerations in Technology
Lesson: Importance of ethical considerations in technological development
Activity: Debate on ethical dilemmas in technology.
Week 10: Culmination Project
Lesson: Integration of knowledge into a comprehensive project
Activity: Students work on a final project showcasing their understanding of various technological concepts.
Week 11: Revision Week
Review and reinforce key concepts from the third term.
Week 12: Examination Week
Conduct assessments based on the topics covered during the term.
Week 13: School Dismissal Week
Recap of the term’s highlights.
Distribution of report cards and feedback.