
SS2 Third Term Literature in English Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 Third Term Literature in English Past Questions And Answers

SS2 Literature in English questions with options and answers:


Question: Who is the author of the play “The Cherry Orchard”?


A) Anton Chekhov

B) Henrik Ibsen

C) Samuel Beckett

D) Eugene O’Neill

Answer: A) Anton Chekhov

Question: In Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451,” what is the significance of the temperature 451?


A) Boiling point of paper

B) Temperature for burning books

C) Ideal temperature for human comfort

D) Symbolic of rebellion

Answer: B) Temperature for burning books

Question: Who wrote the novel “The Grapes of Wrath”?


A) John Steinbeck

B) F. Scott Fitzgerald

C) Ernest Hemingway

D) J.D. Salinger

Answer: A) John Steinbeck

Question: What is the central theme of Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged”?


A) Individualism

B) Socialism

C) Communism

D) Collectivism

Answer: A) Individualism

Question: Who is the author of the play “Waiting for Godot”?


A) Samuel Beckett

B) Harold Pinter

C) Tom Stoppard

D) Eugene Ionesco

Answer: A) Samuel Beckett

Question: In J.M. Coetzee’s novel “Disgrace,” what is the protagonist David Lurie’s occupation?


A) Doctor

B) Professor

C) Lawyer

D) Farmer

Answer: B) Professor

Question: What is the title of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s famous novella about unrequited love and magical realism?


A) One Hundred Years of Solitude

B) Chronicle of a Death Foretold

C) Love in the Time of Cholera

D) Of Love and Other Demons

Answer: C) Love in the Time of Cholera

Question: Who is the author of the play “The Crucible”?


A) Arthur Miller

B) Tennessee Williams

C) Eugene O’Neill

D) Lorraine Hansberry

Answer: A) Arthur Miller

Question: In Virginia Woolf’s novel “Mrs. Dalloway,” what is the setting of the story?


A) London

B) Paris

C) New York

D) Rome

Answer: A) London

Question: Who wrote the novel “Brave New World”?


A) Aldous Huxley

B) George Orwell

C) Ray Bradbury

D) Margaret Atwood

Answer: A) Aldous Huxley

Question: What is the central theme of Arthur Miller’s play “Death of a Salesman”?


A) Pursuit of Happiness

B) Corruption of the American Dream

C) Tragedy of War

D) Family Reconciliation

Answer: B) Corruption of the American Dream

Question: Who wrote the novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”?


A) Oscar Wilde

B) Bram Stoker

C) Mary Shelley

D) H.G. Wells

Answer: A) Oscar Wilde

Question: In Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness,” what river does Marlow navigate in the African Congo?


A) Nile River

B) Amazon River

C) Thames River

D) Congo River

Answer: D) Congo River

Question: What is the title of Sylvia Plath’s only novel?


A) The Bell Jar

B) Ariel

C) Lady Lazarus

D) Daddy

Answer: A) The Bell Jar

Question: Who is the protagonist in Salman Rushdie’s “The Satanic Verses”?


A) Gibreel Farishta

B) Saleem Sinai

C) Chamcha

D) Shalimar the Clown

Answer: A) Gibreel Farishta

Question: In Jules Verne’s “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,” what is the name of Captain Nemo’s submarine?


A) Nautilus

B) Atlantis

C) Leviathan

D) Poseidon

Answer: A) Nautilus

Question: Who is the author of the play “Long Day’s Journey Into Night”?


A) Eugene O’Neill

B) Tennessee Williams

C) Arthur Miller

D) Henrik Ibsen

Answer: A) Eugene O’Neill

Question: What is the central theme of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”?


A) Satire of Russian Revolution

B) Critique of Capitalism

C) Exploration of Colonialism

D) Allegory of World War II

Answer: A) Satire of Russian Revolution

Question: Who wrote the novel “The Remains of the Day”?


A) Kazuo Ishiguro

B) Salman Rushdie

C) Julian Barnes

D) Ian McEwan

Answer: A) Kazuo Ishiguro

Question: In Chinua Achebe’s “Anthills of the Savannah,” who is the pre

sident of the fictional country of Kangan?


A) Sam

B) Chris Oriko

C) Beatrice

D) Ikem Osodi

Answer: B) Chris Oriko

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