Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 Third Term IRK Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Third Term IRK Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS3 Islamic Religious Knowledge (IRK) Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1 (Third Term): Islamic Revivalism Movements


Lesson Objective: Explore historical Islamic revivalist movements.


Research and presentations on key revivalist figures and movements.

Group discussions on the impact of revivalism on contemporary Islam.

Class debate on the role of revivalism in preserving Islamic identity.

Week 2: Hajj – The Pilgrimage to Mecca


Lesson Objective: Understand the significance and rituals of Hajj.


Virtual tour of Hajj rituals.

Group discussions on the spiritual journey of Hajj.

Creative projects illustrating the Hajj experience.

Week 3: Islamic Science and Medicine


Lesson Objective: Explore the contributions of Islam to science and medicine.


Research and presentations on Muslim scientists and their discoveries.

Interactive experiments showcasing Islamic contributions to medicine.

Guest speaker: Expert in Islamic science history.

Week 4: Contemporary Issues in Islam


Lesson Objective: Discuss current challenges faced by the Muslim community.


Group discussions on Islamophobia, extremism, and cultural challenges.

Analyzing news articles and media representations.

Panel discussion on addressing contemporary issues from an Islamic perspective.

Week 5: Sufism – Islamic Mysticism


Lesson Objective: Introduce the concepts of Sufism in Islam.


Reading and analysis of Sufi poetry and literature.

Group discussions on the spiritual aspects of Sufism.

Sufi music and meditation session.

Week 6: Ethics of War in Islam


Lesson Objective: Discuss the ethical principles governing warfare in Islam.


Reading and analysis of Quranic verses on warfare.

Case studies on historical battles in Islam.

Classroom debate on the concept of a just war in Islam.

Week 7: Islamic Architecture


Lesson Objective: Explore the beauty and significance of Islamic architecture.


Virtual tour of iconic Islamic architectural landmarks.

Group projects designing an imaginary Islamic structure.

Presentation on the spiritual symbolism in Islamic architecture.

Week 8: Islamic Literature and Poetry


Lesson Objective: Appreciate the richness of Islamic literature and poetry.


Reading and analysis of classical and contemporary Islamic literature.

Creative writing session inspired by Islamic themes.

Poetry recitation and interpretation.

Week 9: Importance of Seeking Knowledge in Islam


Lesson Objective: Emphasize the significance of knowledge in Islam.


Group discussions on the value of education in Islam.

Guest speaker: Scholar or academic discussing the importance of seeking knowledge.

Interactive quiz on Islamic knowledge.

Week 10: Final Project and Presentation


Lesson Objective: Encourage students to synthesize and present what they’ve learned.


Group projects on a chosen Islamic topic.

Final presentations to the class.

Peer evaluation and feedback session.

Week 11: Revision Week



Comprehensive review of all topics covered.

Quiz and interactive review sessions.

Clarification of any remaining doubts.

Week 12: Examination Week



Final examinations covering the entire term’s syllabus.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week



Farewell assembly and recognition of outstanding students.

Distribution of report cards.

Closing remarks and reminders for continued learning beyond the classroom.

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