Past Questions and Answers

SS3 Third Term CRK Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 Third Term CRK Past Questions And Answers

Here they are;

Question: What is the primary theme of the Book of Judges in the Old Testament?


a) Covenant with Abraham

b) Reign of King David

c) Periods of moral decline and deliverance

d) Sermon on the Mount


Answer: c) Periods of moral decline and deliverance


Question: Which prophet is known for his vision of a valley of dry bones, symbolizing hope and restoration?


a) Isaiah

b) Jeremiah

c) Ezekiel

d) Daniel


Answer: c) Ezekiel


Question: In Christianity, what does the term “Atonement” refer to?


a) Reconciliation of humanity with God through Jesus’ sacrifice

b) Fasting and prayer

c) Anointing of the sick

d) Second coming of Jesus


Answer: a) Reconciliation of humanity with God through Jesus’ sacrifice


Question: Who is considered the first Christian martyr in the New Testament?


a) Stephen

b) Paul

c) Peter

d) Barnabas


Answer: a) Stephen


Question: What is the significance of the Transfiguration of Jesus in Christianity?


a) Birth of Jesus

b) Jesus’ baptism

c) Revelation of Jesus’ divine glory on Mount Tabor

d) Crucifixion of Jesus


Answer: c) Revelation of Jesus’ divine glory on Mount Tabor


Question: Which Apostle is traditionally associated with being the beloved disciple of Jesus?


a) John

b) Peter

c) James

d) Andrew


Answer: a) John


Question: What is the primary message of the Parable of the Rich Fool?


a) Stewardship and materialism

b) Humility and gratitude

c) Forgiveness and reconciliation

d) Love and compassion


Answer: a) Stewardship and materialism


Question: In Christianity, what event is commemorated on Good Friday?


a) Crucifixion of Jesus

b) Last Supper

c) Resurrection of Jesus

d) Ascension of Jesus


Answer: a) Crucifixion of Jesus


Question: Who was the king of Israel known for his psalms and musical abilities?


a) Saul

b) David

c) Solomon

d) Hezekiah


Answer: b) David


Question: What is the primary focus of the Book of Ephesians in the New Testament?


a) End times and judgment

b) Unity and identity in Christ

c) Miracles of Jesus

d) Kingdom of God


Answer: b) Unity and identity in Christ


Question: In Christianity, what is the sacrament of the Eucharist also known as?


a) Holy Communion

b) Baptism

c) Confirmation

d) Anointing of the sick


Answer: a) Holy Communion


Question: Which Old Testament figure is known for his ark-building obedience during the flood?


a) Noah

b) Abraham

c) Moses

d) Joshua


Answer: a) Noah


Question: What is the primary theme of the Book of Joshua in the Old Testament?


a) Conquest of Canaan

b) Babylonian exile

c) Exodus from Egypt

d) Building of the Temple


Answer: a) Conquest of Canaan


Question: In Christianity, what is the sacrament of penance sometimes referred to as?


a) Holy Orders

b) Baptism

c) Confession

d) Matrimony


Answer: c) Confession


Question: Who is known as the “weeping prophet” in the Old Testament?


a) Isaiah

b) Jeremiah

c) Ezekiel

d) Daniel


Answer: b) Jeremiah


Question: What is the central message of the Parable of the Talents?


a) Faithfulness and responsibility

b) Forgiveness and reconciliation

c) Humility and gratitude

d) Love and compassion


Answer: a) Faithfulness and responsibility


Question: In Christianity, what is the sacrament of baptism?


a) Initiation into the Christian community

b) Marriage ceremony

c) Final sacrament before death

d) Affirmation of baptismal vows


Answer: a) Initiation into the Christian community


Question: Which Old Testament figure is known for leading the Israelites through the Red Sea?


a) Moses

b) Aaron

c) Miriam

d) Joshua


Answer: a) Moses


Question: What is the primary focus of the Book of Galatians in the New Testament?


a) End times and judgment

b) Liberty in Christ and justification by faith

c) Miracles of Jesus

d) Kingdom of God


Answer: b) Liberty in Christ and justification by faith


Question: In Christianity, what is the sacrament of confirmation also known as?


a) Affirmation of faith

b) Initiation into the Christian community

c) Ordination of clergy

d) Anointing of the sick


Answer: a) Affirmation of faith

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