Past Questions and Answers

SS2 Second Term Marketing Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 Second Term Marketing Past Questions And Answers

Here they are;

Question: How does influencer collaboration contribute to SS2 marketing?

A. It doesn’t impact SS2

B. Enhances brand visibility through influencers’ audience

C. Only applicable for B2C businesses

D. Increases website loading speed

Answer: B. Enhances brand visibility through influencers’ audience


Question: What role does storytelling play in SS2 content strategy?


A. Storytelling is unnecessary in SS2

B. Captures attention and creates emotional connections

C. Reserved for traditional marketing

D. Only for blogs, not social media

Answer: B. Captures attention and creates emotional connections


Question: How can employee advocacy impact SS2 marketing efforts?


A. It has no effect on SS2

B. Boosts brand credibility and reach through employees’ networks

C. Limited to large corporations

D. Only applicable in the technology sector

Answer: B. Boosts brand credibility and reach through employees’ networks


Question: What is the significance of A/B testing in SS2?


A. It’s irrelevant in SS2

B. Helps optimize content and strategy by testing variations

C. Only for large marketing teams

D. Affects website design only

Answer: B. Helps optimize content and strategy by testing variations


Question: How can social listening benefit SS2 marketing efforts?


A. It’s not relevant in SS2

B. Monitors and analyzes online conversations to understand audience sentiment

C. Only useful for B2B businesses

D. Increases website traffic

Answer: B. Monitors and analyzes online conversations to understand audience sentiment


Question: What is the role of video content in SS2 marketing?


A. Video content is ineffective in SS2

B. Captivates the audience and communicates messages effectively

C. Reserved for entertainment industries only

D. Increases website bounce rate

Answer: B. Captivates the audience and communicates messages effectively


Question: How does SS2 marketing differ from traditional advertising?


A. SS2 and traditional advertising have no differences

B. SS2 focuses on building relationships through social interactions

C. Traditional advertising is more cost-effective

D. SS2 is only relevant for startups

Answer: B. SS2 focuses on building relationships through social interactions


Question: What is the role of social media algorithms in SS2 marketing?


A. Algorithms don’t impact SS2

B. Determines the visibility of content to the audience

C. Only relevant for Instagram

D. Increases website security

Answer: B. Determines the visibility of content to the audience


Question: How can gamification be integrated into SS2 strategies?


A. Gamification has no place in SS2

B. Encourages audience engagement through interactive games and challenges

C. Suitable only for B2C businesses

D. Reduces website loading time

Answer: B. Encourages audience engagement through interactive games and challenges


Question: Why is it important to adapt SS2 strategies to evolving social media trends?


A. Trends have no impact on SS2

B. Ensures relevance and effectiveness in reaching the target audience

C. Only necessary for startups

D. Increases website bounce rate

Answer: B. Ensures relevance and effectiveness in reaching the target audience

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