Past Questions and Answers

SS2 First Term CRK Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 First Term CRK Past Questions And Answers

20 SS2 CRK (Christian Religious Knowledge) questions with options and answers:


Question: Who was the first man according to Christian beliefs?


A) Adam

B) Noah

C) Abraham

D) Moses

Answer: A) Adam

Question: What is the central theme of the Ten Commandments?


A) Love thy neighbor

B) Worship idols

C) Honor thy parents

D) Stealing is allowed

Answer: C) Honor thy parents

Question: In the New Testament, who baptized Jesus in the Jordan River?


A) John the Baptist

B) Peter

C) Paul

D) James

Answer: A) John the Baptist

Question: Which apostle betrayed Jesus?


A) James

B) Judas Iscariot

C) Thomas

D) Philip

Answer: B) Judas Iscariot

Question: What miracle did Jesus perform at the wedding in Cana?


A) Healing the blind

B) Raising the dead

C) Turning water into wine

D) Multiplying loaves and fish

Answer: C) Turning water into wine

Question: Which book in the Bible is known as the “Song of Solomon”?


A) Proverbs

B) Ecclesiastes

C) Psalms

D) Song of Songs

Answer: D) Song of Songs

Question: What event is celebrated during the Christian holiday of Easter?


A) Birth of Jesus

B) Resurrection of Jesus

C) Last Supper

D) Crucifixion of Jesus

Answer: B) Resurrection of Jesus

Question: Who wrote the majority of the New Testament epistles?


A) Matthew

B) Mark

C) Luke

D) Paul

Answer: D) Paul

Question: In the Old Testament, who led the Israelites across the Red Sea?


A) Moses

B) Joshua

C) David

D) Solomon

Answer: A) Moses

Question: Which of the following is considered the “Father of Faith” in Christianity?


A) Abraham

B) Isaac

C) Jacob

D) Joseph

Answer: A) Abraham

Question: What is the Christian holy day that commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles?


A) Pentecost

B) Epiphany

C) Ascension Day

D) Transfiguration

Answer: A) Pentecost

Question: Which gospel begins with the words, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God”?


A) Matthew

B) Mark

C) Luke

D) John

Answer: D) John

Question: Who was the first martyr of the Christian faith?


A) Peter

B) Stephen

C) James (son of Zebedee)

D) Philip

Answer: B) Stephen

Question: According to Christian beliefs, what is the final book of the New Testament?


A) Revelation

B) Romans

C) Ephesians

D) Jude

Answer: A) Revelation

Question: Which prophet foretold the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem?


A) Isaiah

B) Jeremiah

C) Micah

D) Malachi

Answer: C) Micah

Question: What is the Christian sacrament that symbolizes the cleansing from sin and initiation into the Christian faith?


A) Baptism

B) Communion

C) Confirmation

D) Anointing of the Sick

Answer: A) Baptism

Question: Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to crucifixion?


A) Pontius Pilate

B) Herod Antipas

C) Caesar Augustus

D) Tiberius

Answer: A) Pontius Pilate

Question: What is the significance of the Christian holiday of Christmas?


A) Resurrection of Jesus

B) Birth of Jesus

C) Ascension of Jesus

D) Pentecost

Answer: B) Birth of Jesus

Question: According to Christian doctrine, what is the term for the belief in the unity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in one Godhead?


A) Monotheism

B) Polytheism

C) Trinity

D) Dualism

Answer: C) Trinity

Question: Which disciple famously doubted the

resurrection of Jesus until he saw and touched the wounds?


A) Peter

B) James

C) Thomas

D) John

Answer: C) Thomas

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