Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 Second Term Biology Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 Second Term Biology Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

Scheme of Work: SS1 Biology – Second Term


Week 1-2: Reproduction in Plants


Lesson 1: Plant life cycle and reproduction

Lesson 2: Pollination and fertilization in plants

Activity: Dissecting flowers and observing reproductive structures

Week 3-4: Reproduction in Animals


Lesson 3: Animal reproductive systems

Lesson 4: Human reproductive system and puberty

Activity: Role-playing scenarios related to reproductive health

Week 5-6: Human Health and Diseases


Lesson 5: Factors affecting human health

Lesson 6: Common diseases and preventive measures

Activity: Research and presentation on a chosen health topic

Week 7-8: Evolution and Adaptation


Lesson 7: The theory of evolution

Lesson 8: Natural selection and adaptation

Activity: Case studies on species adaptation and evolution

Week 9-10: Nutrition and Digestion


Lesson 9: Nutrients and their functions

Lesson 10: Digestive system processes

Activity: Designing a balanced diet plan

Week 11: Revision Week


Review key concepts from second term

Practice quizzes and group discussions

Week 12: Examination Week


Comprehensive test covering all second-term topics

Practical exam on reproductive structures and health concepts

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Recap of the entire term’s learnings

Distribution of examination results

Closing ceremony and dismissal.

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