Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 First Term Fishery Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS1 First Term Fishery Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Scheme of Work and Lesson Notes for SS1 First Term Fishery, spanning from Week 1 to Week 13:


Scheme of Work: SS1 First Term Fishery

Week 1-2: Introduction to Fishery

Objective: Understand the basics of fishery and its importance.

Activities: Introduction to fishery concepts, class discussions, and a brief history of fishery.

Week 3-4: Fish Anatomy and Physiology

Objective: Learn about the anatomy and physiology of different fish species.

Activities: Practical identification of fish parts, dissection sessions, and group discussions.

Week 5-6: Types of Fish and Their Habitats

Objective: Identify various fish species and understand their habitats.

Activities: Field trip to observe different fish habitats, group presentations on fish species.

Week 7-8: Fishing Techniques

Objective: Explore various fishing methods and equipment.

Activities: Demonstrations of fishing tools, guest lectures on traditional and modern fishing techniques.

Week 9-10: Fish Processing and Preservation

Objective: Learn about methods of fish processing and preservation.

Activities: Hands-on experience in fish processing, discussions on preservation techniques.

Week 11: Revision Week

Objective: Review key concepts covered in previous weeks.

Activities: Class quizzes, group discussions, and clarification of doubts.

Week 12: Examination Week

Objective: Assess understanding through examinations.

Activities: Written exams covering the entire term’s content.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Objective: Wrap up the term and prepare for dismissal.

Activities: Term review, feedback sessions, and distribution of report cards.

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