Past Questions and Answers

Jss2 Second Term Prevocational Studies Past Questions And Answers

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Jss2 second term prevocational studies past questions and answers

Question: In carpentry, what is the purpose of a coping saw?

A. Measuring lengths

B. Sanding surfaces

C. Cutting intricate curves and shapes

D. Hammering nails

Answer: C. Cutting intricate curves and shapes


Question: What does the acronym CPR stand for in first aid?


A. Cardiovascular Pump Response

B. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

C. Critical Patient Recovery

D. Centralized Pulse Regulation

Answer: B. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation


Question: What is the primary purpose of a fire extinguisher?


A. Providing light during power outages

B. Cooking food in emergencies

C. Extinguishing small fires

D. Generating heat in cold environments

Answer: C. Extinguishing small fires


Question: In the context of computer studies, what does RAM stand for?


A. Random Access Memory

B. Read-Only Memory

C. Rapid Application Mode

D. Remote Access Module

Answer: A. Random Access Memory


Question: Which term refers to the process of converting raw materials into finished goods?


A. Manufacturing

B. Distribution

C. Marketing

D. Retailing

Answer: A. Manufacturing


Question: What is the primary purpose of a resume in the job application process?


A. Providing personal opinions

B. Describing favorite hobbies

C. Showcasing qualifications and experience

D. Stating political affiliations

Answer: C. Showcasing qualifications and experience


Question: In electrical wiring, what does the term “grounding” mean?


A. Connecting to the internet

B. Creating a direct path for electrical current to the Earth

C. Disconnecting from power sources

D. Installing decorative elements

Answer: B. Creating a direct path for electrical current to the Earth


Question: What is the primary purpose of a fuse in an electrical circuit?


A. Generating electricity

B. Controlling temperature

C. Preventing overcurrent and short circuits

D. Illuminating the surroundings

Answer: C. Preventing overcurrent and short circuits


Question: What is the primary role of a team leader in a workplace?


A. Completing all tasks individually

B. Facilitating communication and coordination

C. Avoiding collaboration with team members

D. Micromanaging every team member

Answer: B. Facilitating communication and coordination


Question: In graphic design, what is the purpose of vector graphics?


A. Representing images using pixels

B. Creating realistic photographs

C. Enlarging images without loss of quality

D. Applying artistic filters

Answer: C. Enlarging images without loss of quality


Question: What is the primary focus of ergonomic design in the workplace?


A. Maximizing discomfort

B. Enhancing visual appeal

C. Promoting efficiency and user comfort

D. Minimizing safety measures

Answer: C. Promoting efficiency and user comfort


Question: What is the purpose of a business proposal?


A. Detailing personal preferences

B. Presenting a plan or idea to a potential client

C. Exploring hobbies and interests

D. Creating fictional stories

Answer: B. Presenting a plan or idea to a potential client


Question: In plumbing, what is the function of a pipe wrench?


A. Measuring pipe length

B. Cutting pipes

C. Tightening or loosening pipes

D. Welding pipes together

Answer: C. Tightening or loosening pipes


Question: What is the primary purpose of an elevator pitch in the business context?


A. Describing a favorite movie

B. Presenting a concise and compelling business idea

C. Listing personal achievements

D. Explaining political viewpoints

Answer: B. Presenting a concise and compelling business idea


Question: What is the purpose of a budget in financial management?


A. Increasing debt

B. Controlling and planning expenses

C. Ignoring financial responsibilities

D. Maximizing impulse purchases

Answer: B. Controlling and planning expenses


Question: In automotive maintenance, what does the acronym ABS stand for?


A. Automatic Brake System

B. Anti-lock Brake System

C. Advanced Battery System

D. Accelerated Braking Sequence

Answer: B. Anti-lock Brake System


Question: What is the primary goal of quality control in manufacturing?


A. Producing flawed products

B. Reducing production costs

C. Ensuring products meet specified standards

D. Ignoring customer feedback

Answer: C. Ensuring products meet specified standards


Question: In marketing, what is the purpose of a SWOT analysis?


A. Assessing personal strengths and weaknesses

B. Evaluating a company’s internal and external factors

C. Summarizing fictional stories

D. Listing favorite books and movies

Answer: B. Evaluating a company’s internal and external factors


Question: What is the primary role of an entrepreneur in a business?


A. Following instructions without innovation

B. Taking calculated risks and starting new ventures

C. Avoiding challenges and uncertainties

D. Focusing solely on short-term goals

Answer: B. Taking calculated risks and starting new ventures


Question: In computer programming, what is the purpose of debugging?


A. Introducing errors intentionally

B. Finding and fixing errors in code

C. Ignoring coding practices

D. Writing code without testing

Answer: B. Finding and fixing errors in code

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