Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

Jss1 First Term Social Studies Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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Jss1 First Term Social Studies Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


JSS1 First Term Social Studies Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Introduction to Social Studies


Lesson Note: Introduce students to the concept of Social Studies and its importance in understanding society.

Activities: Group discussions on the meaning of social studies, a short quiz to gauge prior knowledge.

Week 2: Basic Concepts in Social Studies


Lesson Note: Cover fundamental concepts such as culture, community, and citizenship.

Activities: Class brainstorming sessions, role-playing activities depicting different cultures.

Week 3: Family and Its Functions


Lesson Note: Explore the role of the family in society.

Activities: Group presentations on diverse family structures, case studies on family dynamics.

Week 4: Local Community and its Institutions


Lesson Note: Examine local institutions like schools, churches, and markets.

Activities: Field trip to observe and interact with local community institutions, class discussions.

Week 5: National Symbols and Citizenship


Lesson Note: Teach about national symbols and the responsibilities of being a citizen.

Activities: Designing and presenting personal flags, discussing civic duties.

Week 6: Our Country and Its Geography


Lesson Note: Explore the geographical features of the country.

Activities: Map reading exercises, drawing and labeling geographical features.

Week 7: Cultural Heritage and Traditions


Lesson Note: Discuss the importance of cultural heritage.

Activities: Showcasing cultural artifacts, guest speakers sharing cultural experiences.

Week 8: Global Interactions


Lesson Note: Introduce the concept of global interactions and interdependence.

Activities: Role-playing international scenarios, discussing global issues.

Scheme of Work: JSS1 First Term Social Studies


Introduction to Social Studies


Definition and importance of Social Studies

Basic Concepts in Social Studies


Culture, community, citizenship

Family and Its Functions


Roles and dynamics of family

Local Community and its Institutions


Schools, churches, markets

National Symbols and Citizenship


National symbols, civic responsibilities

Our Country and Its Geography


Geographical features, map reading

Cultural Heritage and Traditions


Importance of cultural heritage, traditions

Global Interactions


Interdependence, global issues.

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