Past Questions and Answers

JAMB Computer Science Past Questions and Answers

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JAMB Computer Science Past Questions and Answers


Here are 20 Computer Science questions:


Question: What is the purpose of an operating system?


A. Manage computer hardware and software resources

B. Create and execute computer programs

C. Connect computers in a network

D. Design user interfaces

Answer: A. Manage computer hardware and software resources


Question: In programming, what does the acronym “HTML” stand for?


A. HyperText Markup Language

B. High-Level Text Manipulation Language

C. Hyperlink and Text Management Language

D. Human-Machine Translation Language

Answer: A. HyperText Markup Language


Question: Which data structure follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle?


A. Queue

B. Stack

C. Linked List

D. Tree

Answer: B. Stack


Question: What is the purpose of a firewall in network security?


A. Block unwanted emails

B. Protect against malware

C. Control access to a network

D. Encrypt data transmission

Answer: C. Control access to a network


Question: In object-oriented programming, what is encapsulation?


A. Hiding the implementation details of an object

B. Creating multiple instances of a class

C. Inheriting properties from another class

D. Overriding a method in a subclass

Answer: A. Hiding the implementation details of an object


Question: What does the acronym “SQL” stand for in the context of databases?


A. Standard Query Language

B. Structured Question Language

C. System Query Logic

D. Sequential Query Language

Answer: A. Standard Query Language


Question: Which programming language is commonly used for developing web applications on the client side?


A. Java

B. Python

C. JavaScript

D. C++

Answer: C. JavaScript


Question: What is the purpose of the “git” version control system?


A. Manage databases

B. Track changes in source code

C. Monitor network traffic

D. Create virtual machines

Answer: B. Track changes in source code


Question: Which sorting algorithm has an average time complexity of O(n log n)?


A. Bubble Sort

B. Quick Sort

C. Insertion Sort

D. Selection Sort

Answer: B. Quick Sort


Question: What is the primary function of the Domain Name System (DNS)?


A. Encrypt data transmission

B. Map domain names to IP addresses

C. Authenticate users

D. Manage file storage

Answer: B. Map domain names to IP addresses


Question: In networking, what is the purpose of the Internet Protocol (IP) address?


A. Identify a device on a network

B. Establish a secure connection

C. Assign a hostname to a server

D. Encrypt data packets

Answer: A. Identify a device on a network


Question: What does the acronym “API” stand for in software development?


A. Application Program Interface

B. Advanced Programming Instruction

C. Automated Protocol Integration

D. Algorithmic Programming Interface

Answer: A. Application Program Interface


Question: Which programming paradigm emphasizes the use of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data?


A. Object-oriented programming

B. Procedural programming

C. Functional programming

D. Logic programming

Answer: C. Functional programming


Question: What is the purpose of the “try-catch” block in programming?


A. Define a loop structure

B. Handle exceptions and errors

C. Create a conditional statement

D. Implement multi-threading

Answer: B. Handle exceptions and errors


Question: In computer graphics, what does the acronym “GPU” stand for?


A. General Processing Unit

B. Graphics Processing Unit

C. Graphical Performance Unit

D. General Purpose Unit

Answer: B. Graphics Processing Unit


Question: What is the primary function of a router in a computer network?


A. Connect devices within a local area network (LAN)

B. Filter and forward data packets between networks

C. Assign IP addresses to devices

D. Provide wireless connectivity

Answer: B. Filter and forward data packets between networks


Question: What is a key characteristic of the “agile” software development methodology?


A. Strict adherence to predefined plans

B. Linear and sequential development process

C. Flexibility and adaptability to changing requirements

D. Minimal interaction with stakeholders

Answer: C. Flexibility and adaptability to changing requirements


Question: Which type of cyber attack involves tricking individuals into disclosing sensitive information?


A. Malware

B. Phishing

C. DDoS attack

D. SQL injection

Answer: B. Phishing


Question: What is the purpose of a compiler in the context of programming languages?


A. Execute program instructions

B. Debug code errors

C. Convert high-level code to machine code

D. Manage version control

Answer: C. Convert high-level code to machine code


Question: What does the term “Big Data” refer to in the field of computer science?


A. Large physical storage devices

B. High-speed data transmission

C. Datasets that are too large and complex for traditional d

ata processing

D. Advanced data encryption techniques

Answer: C. Datasets that are too large and complex for traditional data processing.

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