Agricultural Science Waec Practical Questions And Answers
Agricultural Science Waec Practical Questions And Answers
Here are 20 WAEC Agricultural Science practical questions that students might encounter:
Crop Production:
Describe the steps involved in transplanting seedlings.
Explain the factors to consider when selecting a suitable site for a vegetable garden.
Animal Husbandry:
Outline the procedures for dehorning a cattle.
Discuss the importance of providing clean water for livestock.
Soil Science:
Conduct a soil pH test and interpret the results.
Demonstrate how to take a soil sample for nutrient analysis.
Poultry Farming:
Explain the key components of a brooder house.
Describe the signs of common poultry diseases and their control measures.
Fish Farming:
Set up a simple fish pond and explain the essential requirements for successful fish farming.
Discuss the steps involved in grading and sorting fish.
Farm Tools and Equipment:
Identify and demonstrate the proper use of three different farm tools.
Explain the maintenance practices for a plough.
Outline the steps involved in processing cassava into garri.
Describe the equipment needed for small-scale oil extraction from oilseeds.
Propagate a plant through stem cuttings and explain the process.
Discuss the benefits of mulching in horticulture.
Set up a simple beehive and explain the different components.
Describe the role of bees in pollination.
Demonstrate the setup of a drip irrigation system.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of flood irrigation.