Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS1 First Term Salesmanship Past Questions And Answers

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SS1 First Term Salesmanship Past Questions And Answers


Here are 20 Salesmanship questions for SS1 First Term with options and answers:


Question: What is the primary goal of salesmanship?


A) Profit maximization

B) Customer satisfaction

C) Competition elimination

D) Cost reduction

Answer: B) Customer satisfaction

Question: Which step in the selling process involves identifying potential customers?


A) Prospecting

B) Pre-approach

C) Presentation

D) Closing

Answer: A) Prospecting

Question: What is the term for a technique where a salesperson provides customers with additional product features?


A) Upselling

B) Cross-selling

C) Discounting

D) Bargaining

Answer: A) Upselling

Question: In sales, what does the AIDA model stand for?


A) Attention, Interest, Decision, Action

B) Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action

C) Appeal, Introduction, Demand, Agreement

D) Analysis, Inquiry, Discussion, Agreement

Answer: B) Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action

Question: Which type of selling involves reaching out to potential customers through emails, calls, or social media?


A) Direct selling

B) Telemarketing

C) Retail selling

D) Wholesale selling

Answer: B) Telemarketing

Question: What is the term for the process of persuading a customer to make a purchase immediately?


A) Negotiation

B) Closing

C) Presentation

D) Qualification

Answer: B) Closing

Question: Which of the following is an example of a sales channel?


A) Radio advertising

B) Social media promotion

C) Retail store

D) Newspaper classifieds

Answer: C) Retail store

Question: In the sales process, what does “handling objections” refer to?


A) Ignoring customer concerns

B) Avoiding customer questions

C) Addressing and overcoming customer concerns

D) Agreeing with all customer opinions

Answer: C) Addressing and overcoming customer concerns

Question: What is the purpose of a sales script?


A) To restrict the salesperson’s communication

B) To guide the salesperson in presenting key information

C) To confuse the customer

D) To eliminate the need for product knowledge

Answer: B) To guide the salesperson in presenting key information

Question: Which sales technique involves offering a lower-priced product before presenting a higher-priced one?


A) Premium selling

B) Value selling

C) Price anchoring

D) Door-in-the-face

Answer: D) Door-in-the-face

Question: What is the purpose of a trial close in sales?


A) To finalize the deal

B) To test the product

C) To gauge the customer’s readiness to buy

D) To avoid objections

Answer: C) To gauge the customer’s readiness to buy

Question: What does the term “value proposition” refer to in sales?


A) The cost of the product

B) The unique value a product offers to customers

C) The salesperson’s salary

D) The advertising budget

Answer: B) The unique value a product offers to customers

Question: Which of the following is a characteristic of effective sales communication?


A) Using technical jargon to impress customers

B) Clear and concise communication

C) Avoiding eye contact with customers

D) Talking over customers

Answer: B) Clear and concise communication

Question: What is the purpose of a sales presentation?


A) To entertain the customer

B) To provide information about the company’s history

C) To persuade the customer to make a purchase

D) To criticize competitors

Answer: C) To persuade the customer to make a purchase

Question: Which type of objection handling involves turning a negative into a positive?


A) Denial

B) Boomerang

C) Acknowledgment

D) Ignore

Answer: B) Boomerang

Question: What is the importance of follow-up in sales?


A) To annoy the customer

B) To close the deal immediately

C) To build long-term relationships and address any concerns

D) To ignore customer feedback

Answer: C) To build long-term relationships and address any concerns

Question: What does the term “feature-benefit selling” mean?


A) Focusing on the product’s features without explaining their benefits

B) Highlighting the benefits of the product to the customer

C) Ignoring both features and benefits

D) Providing only technical specifications

Answer: B) Highlighting the benefits of the product to the customer

Question: What is the role of empathy in sales?


A) To ignore customer emotions

B) To manipulate customer feelings

C) To understand and connect with the customer’s emotions

D) To avoid any emotional connection

Answer: C) To understand and connect with the customer’s emotions

Question: Which of the following is a non-verbal communication skill important in sales?


A) Speaking rapidly

B) Avoiding eye contact

C) Maintaining good body language

D) Interrupting the customer

Answer: C) Maintaining good body language

Question: In sales, what does the term “upgrading” refer to?


A) Increasing the price of a product

B) Improving the quality of a product

C) Offering additional features or a higher-priced version

D) Downgrading the product

Answer: C) Offering additional features or a higher-priced version.

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