Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 Third Term Cosmetology Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Third Term Cosmetology Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1-2: Specialized Hair and Makeup for Events

Lesson Note: Explore specialized hair and makeup techniques for events such as weddings, photo shoots, and fashion shows. Emphasize adaptability to diverse client needs.

Scheme of Work: Practical sessions focusing on event-specific styling and makeup application.


Week 3-4: Spa Management and Holistic Wellness

Lesson Note: Discuss the management of spa services, incorporating holistic wellness practices. Cover topics like aromatherapy, meditation, and stress management.

Scheme of Work: Hands-on activities in spa management, creating and offering holistic wellness treatments.


Week 5-6: Advanced Nail Techniques and Trends

Lesson Note: Explore cutting-edge nail techniques and trends, including gel extensions, 3D nail art, and encapsulation.

Scheme of Work: Practical sessions on advanced nail techniques, encouraging students to experiment with the latest trends.


Week 7-8: Advanced Skin Treatments and Technology

Lesson Note: Introduce advanced skin treatments using technology, such as laser therapy, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels.

Scheme of Work: Hands-on activities with advanced skincare equipment, emphasizing safety and proper usage.


Week 9-10: Bridging the Gap Between Cosmetology and Health

Lesson Note: Explore the connection between cosmetology and health, discussing topics like skin conditions, allergies, and client health assessments.

Scheme of Work: Practical sessions focusing on adapting cosmetology practices to clients’ health considerations.


Week 11: Revision Week

Lesson Note: Review specialized techniques and holistic wellness practices. Conduct practical exercises to reinforce skills learned in the third term.

Scheme of Work: Mock salon and spa day with an emphasis on specialized services, allowing students to fine-tune their expertise.


Week 12: Examination Week

Lesson Note: Administer written and practical assessments on specialized topics, evaluating students’ proficiency in advanced techniques and holistic wellness practices.

Scheme of Work: Conduct practical exams covering specialized hair and makeup, spa management, advanced nail techniques, and advanced skin treatments.


Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Lesson Note: Recap the entire third term, emphasizing the integration of advanced skills and holistic wellness practices. Provide guidance on career paths and further education.

Scheme of Work: Farewell activities, certificate distribution, and a celebration of students’ journey in cosmetology. Offer resources for continued professional development.

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