Past Questions and Answers

SS2 First Term Marketing Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 First Term Marketing Past Questions And Answers

Here are 20 SS2 marketing questions with multiple-choice options and detailed answers.

Question: What is the primary goal of SS2 marketing?


A. Increase website traffic

B. Boost social media followers

C. Drive sales through social interactions

D. Enhance brand awareness

Answer: C. Drive sales through social interactions


Question: Which social media platform is most commonly utilized for SS2 marketing?


A. Twitter

B. Instagram

C. LinkedIn

D. Snapchat

Answer: C. LinkedIn


Question: What is the key element of effective SS2 content?


A. Lengthy paragraphs

B. High-resolution images

C. Engaging and valuable information

D. Frequent use of hashtags

Answer: C. Engaging and valuable information


Question: In SS2, what is the importance of building a personal brand?


A. It’s irrelevant

B. Establishes trust and credibility

C. Only for influencers

D. Affects website ranking

Answer: B. Establishes trust and credibility


Question: How can SS2 help in lead generation?


A. Sending mass emails

B. Cold calling

C. Social listening and engagement

D. Traditional advertising

Answer: C. Social listening and engagement


Question: What is the role of analytics in SS2 marketing?


A. To track social media followers

B. Measure the effectiveness of campaigns

C. Only for large businesses

D. Monitor competitors

Answer: B. Measure the effectiveness of campaigns


Question: What is the significance of social proof in SS2?


A. Irrelevant in SS2

B. Builds trust through customer testimonials

C. Only for product-based businesses

D. Increases website speed

Answer: B. Builds trust through customer testimonials


Question: How can chatbots be utilized in SS2?


A. Only for customer support

B. Automate responses and engage with potential customers

C. Increase website aesthetics

D. Replace human interaction entirely

Answer: B. Automate responses and engage with potential customers


Question: What is the optimal frequency for posting on social media in SS2?


A. Multiple times per day

B. Once a week

C. Only during business hours

D. Irrelevant

Answer: A. Multiple times per day


Question: What does the ‘social selling index’ measure on LinkedIn?


A. Number of connections

B. Effectiveness of social interactions

C. Frequency of profile views

D. Overall LinkedIn


Answer: B. Effectiveness of social interactions

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