Past Questions and Answers

Jss2 First Term Basic Technology Past Questions And Answers

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Jss2 first term basic technology past questions and answers

Here are 20 basic technology-related questions for JSS2 students, each with options and answers:

What does CPU stand for?

A) Central Processing Unit

B) Computer Processing Unit

C) Central Processor Unit

D) Computer Processor Unit

Answer: A) Central Processing Unit

Which of the following is a storage device?




C) Hard Disk Drive

D) Monitor

Answer: C) Hard Disk Drive

What is the purpose of an operating system?


A) Manage hardware resources

B) Display graphics

C) Run applications

D) All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

Which programming language is known for its simplicity and readability?


A) Java

B) Python

C) C++

D) JavaScript

Answer: B) Python

What is the function of a router in a computer network?


A) Connects devices within a local network

B) Connects different networks

C) Filters network traffic

D) All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

Which component is responsible for temporarily storing data in a computer?


A) Hard Disk Drive



D) Motherboard

Answer: B) RAM

What does the acronym HTML stand for?


A) HyperText Markup Language

B) High-Level Text Language

C) Hyperlink and Text Markup Language

D) HyperText and Multimedia Language

Answer: A) HyperText Markup Language

Which of the following is an input device?


A) Printer

B) Scanner

C) Speaker

D) Monitor

Answer: B) Scanner

What is the primary purpose of an antivirus program?


A) Speed up the computer

B) Protect against malware

C) Manage files and folders

D) Enhance internet speed

Answer: B) Protect against malware

Which type of software helps manage and organize data in a tabular form?


A) Spreadsheet software

B) Graphic design software

C) Database software

D) Word processing software

Answer: A) Spreadsheet software

What is the role of a firewall in computer security?


A) Protects against physical damage

B) Monitors and controls network traffic

C) Improves computer performance

D) Manages file storage

Answer: B) Monitors and controls network traffic

Which of the following is an example of an output device?


A) Keyboard

B) Mouse

C) Printer

D) Scanner

Answer: C) Printer

What is the purpose of a URL in web browsing?


A) Identifies the user

B) Locates and identifies resources on the internet

C) Manages browser settings

D) Encrypts internet communication

Answer: B) Locates and identifies resources on the internet

Which programming language is commonly used for web development?


A) Java

B) C++


D) Swift

Answer: C) HTML

What is the function of an input device?


A) Displays information

B) Enters data into the computer

C) Stores data permanently

D) Processes calculations

Answer: B) Enters data into the computer

Which component of a computer system is responsible for managing and coordinating all other components?




C) Motherboard

D) Hard Disk Drive

Answer: C) Motherboard

What does the acronym USB stand for?


A) Universal Serial Bus

B) Unified System Block

C) Ultra Speed Bandwidth

D) United System Backup

Answer: A) Universal Serial Bus

What is the purpose of cache memory in a computer?


A) Stores data permanently

B) Speeds up data access by storing frequently used information

C) Executes program instructions

D) Manages network connections

Answer: B) Speeds up data access by storing frequently used information

Which file format is commonly used for storing compressed files?






Answer: B) ZIP

What is the function of the BIOS in a computer?


A) Manages internet connections

B) Controls the boot process and hardware initialization

C) Organizes files and folders

D) Enhances graphics performance

Answer: B) Controls the boot process and hardware initialization

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